Abala Foundation is a private foundation/non-profit organization based in Bangladesh. It aims to become the voice of the voiceless in the society. It works primarily for the needy- oppressed, woman, youth, orphan, old, widow, handicap, refugees, marginalized, and vulnerable- people by helping them to gain their inherent dignity as well as to fulfill, protect and promote their fundamental human rights. It hopes to empower those who can’t speak up and encourage talking about the thorny/controversial issues which are obstacles for mainstreaming human rights and transparency in the society. The foundation also works in partnership with opinion makers, media, civil society and grassroots organizations to contribute toward creating a society based on gender equity, rule of law, and justice.
- " All human beings are born free and equal in dignity. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination."
About Us

People we serve
Abala foundation provides scholarship, grants, and other assistance ( training, legal aid, etc.,) to serve needy people in fulfilling, protecting and promoting their fundamental human rights so they can gain and live with their inherent dignity.

What we do:
We work for the needy people in fulfilling, protecting and promoting their fundamental human rights- in particular, right to food, health, education, shelter and livelihood. We also work to promote girl/women empowerment, self-reliance and justice.