
The foundation is working on following projects (ongoing/works in progress/planned) which hopes to make a difference in the lives of the people in villages across Bangladesh.

  1. Human Rights Education/Training:

Human rights education promotes values, beliefs and attitudes that encourage all individuals to uphold their own rights and those of others. Human rights education essentially contributes to the long-term prevention of human rights abuses and represents an important investment toward the goal of achieving a just society in which all human rights of all persons are valued and respected.

Lots of people in our society lack awareness about their fundamental human rights as well as redress process when their rights are violated. Through human rights education and training program, it tries to empower targeted population/victims with their respective rights.

  1. Information Campaign:

The project facilitates, through partnership with local opinion makers, civil society, religious leaders and grass roots organizations,  information campaigns to create awareness as well as to eliminate obstacles in fulfilling, protecting and promoting fundamental human rights in the society.

  1. Legal Aid Clinic

Lots of victims and poor/needy people lack the financial means to access qualified resources to redress their human rights violation. The project helps the victim in providing (both/either) financial and legal aid by qualified lawyers or professionals to guide them and redress their rights violations.











4. Youth Center-cultural, spiritual & sports activities:

A lot of villages lack youth center with cultural,spiritual and sports activities. Lack of such center/program is contributing youth to waste their time and energy in harmful activities such as drugs. The youth center will encourage creativity, discipline, athleticism, and compassion among youths as well as contribute toward development of their mind, body and spirit.

  1. Library/Information center/Computer lab:

A lot of villages lack a center with necessary equipments to facilitate the information/training such as maternity, better farming, etc., to create awareness among villagers.  Also, there is no book library or computer lab to access knowledge and internet. The project aims to provide a well equipped center with enough table and chairs, computer, and books which will serve the need of a library, computer lab and information center.


  1. Boarding School (orphan/poor)

Lots of orphan and poor children lacks quality education, needed supervision and guidance to be self reliant and valued member of the society. The planned boarding school would facilitate quality education, food, lodging, and sports with 24 hour supervision by qualified personals/teachers in a holistic approach to enable to fulfill their fundamental human rights– right to food, shelter, education, health, sanitation, recreational activities, and other relevant rights to have a dignified, productive and fulfilling life. This will help them to grow up with confidence, self belief and truly optimize their full potential to be a contribute member of the society, country and world.

  1. School

Lots of villages in many districts still lack primary/high schools, which necessitates daily long distance commuting (around 2 miles) to attend school. This situation discourages continued education, in particular for girls, as most parents are afraid of the safety of their teenage daughters. The planned primary/high school would take care of the obstacles of long distance, and will encourage and ensure quality education, in particular, for girls and thereby, fulfilling their fundamental human rights as well as empowering young women, and creating better future generation of tomorrow.

  1. Health Clinic

Lots of villages lacks nearby health facility with quality doctors. If available, but yet face financial difficulties to pay doctors fee or cost of medicines or health checkups. The project will try to readdress this challenge through facilitation of a health clinic with free doctor’s consultation, free basic medicines and low priced health checkups. It will help to enable them to fulfill their fundamental human rights– right to health- access to doctors and quality assured medicines.

  1. Self reliance

Financial grants are given to qualified individual or in partnering with grassroots organizations to promote self-reliance through following activities:

a) handicrafts, b) agro products, c) rickshaw, d) grocery/Tea stall, e) poultry, f) cow/sheep, g) fishing, h) others;