Our Work

What we do:

Our work is primarily focused on the following fundamental human rights/issues:

1) Food,            2) Education,             3) Health,        4) Livelihood,

5) Self reliance,           6) Justice,                7) Women empowerment;

How we do it:

We work both directly or indirectly (partnership with implementing organizations) in both micro and macro level with immediate, short term and long term goals:

  • a) micro level (immediate), by providing financial assistance/grants and legal aid to the victims/needy/voiceless people in the society by protecting their basic fundamental human rights;


  • b) indirectly (short term), through awareness training, seminar and advocacy efforts to empower the voiceless about their basic fundamental human rights as well as to change customs/attitudes/perceptions considered as obstacles in fulfilling their human rights;


  • c) macro level (long term), through partnership with grassroots, media, opinion makers, and civil society organizations to lobby to change policies and legislation accordingly toward promoting fundamental human rights, equality, rule of law, truth and justice.